So I skipped school due to anxiety attack or whatever, just walked home, jumped into my room through the window and hung out for like an hour or two before my aunt and grandma caught me.
Eventually, my Mom found out over the weekend while she was at my grandpas house where he was getting a pacemaker installed.
So today, I got out of school to go test for whatever the hell they want me on now or whatnot.
They just set me up with a starter dose of lexapro, but for my attacks I need something for bursts, not for a long drawn out process.
So anyways, yeah, they offered me xanax, which is great, for selling, taking, whatnot because I know alot of people that take the stuff and I dont really need it that much. I think my dad really digs the stuff so I might acually have to hide it because he dosnt like to feel all the pain in his knees.
So yeah, whatever, I'm getting a new money source Most likely.
So yeah, little kids were messing with us at the park, more nick than me but anywhooz..
So they say the're like 14 when they are quite obviouslly 11 or something close to that.
I acted like I was going to beat the shit out of them after they started pouring (litterally) dirt and woodchips all over my companion nick. So yeah we go to my house grab a bb gun and go back to the park but by time we got their there were 2 hulk figures their. so eventually the little shits go home with our the help of the giants and we follow them and once we get to this alley we pull out my bb shot gun and run after them. The old lady across the street and was told not to tell where they went... obviouslly they were little shits so we got up their and she told us exactly where they were. so we chase them down for a little and they reach their home and start trying to get their drunkard wife-beating dad to settle their battles for them. So they taunt me and I hand over my shot gun to nick and walk out their while nick goes around the back but that didnt work out well because their dad was out their.
So I told the drunkard that his kids were harrasing me and whatnot and then he says "if your gonna do sumfin do it" and he tells the shithead ring leader and his friends that there too little and too scared to do anything and then he tells me to fight the oldest which looked like he was 11 and looked really scared. I didnt really have a problem with him, he wasnt doing anything plus he looked really scared so the dad was like "whatever you can fight my kids just dont pull any of that shiat" and told me that he would "get the troof" outta the ring leader, which I guess means he will beat his kids.
So then we walked to the park again ,rather unsatisfied, said hi to some people and then nicks mom was their to pick him up for some reason.
little shite heads,
by the way their were like more than 10 or them when they were throwing shit at us but then they left and thinned out to 6 or so.
I feel bad for messing with little kids but the shit heads really did deserve it.